Employability skills | Communication skills - Body Languages.

Communication skills- Body Languages

Non- Verbal Communication.

Communication classified into two forms such as Verbal communication and Non- Verbal Communication.

Non- Verbal Communication is categorised as Kinesics- Body movement, Proxemics-Distance,Paralanguages- Vocalics , Chronemics- Time experiencing,Facial expressions,Postures & Gestures.

We can say Non- Verbal Communication is a Body Language. This is identified by Charles Darwin in 1872 from Animals expressions.

Body Languages.

1. Oral- means Verbal form.
“Sentence pronounced.”
• But, Oral is also a non- verbal communication.
• How?.
• Word pitch, Intonations, rhythm, Prosody, Volume.
• These all are Non- verbal part of oral communications!!!.

2. Written communication is a verbal communication.
But, Written communication is also having Non- Verbal parts.
What are they?
Written communication Non- verbal parts are
handwriting style, spatial arrangement of words, (or) the physical layout of a page.!!!


Posture:The position in which someone pose their body when standing or sitting.
1.Hands crossed on the chest: Self defensiveness.
2.Holding two hands on the hip: Self confidence.


Gesture:An action of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning.

1.Brisk and Erect walk shows: Self confidence
2.Rubbing hands together: Doubtfulness.
3.Quick tilt head: Showing Interest.
4. Open Palm: Sincere,Openness,Innocence.
5.Biting nails- Nervousness, Insecurity or habit.
6.Hands clasped behind back:Anger, Frustration, Apprehension.
7. Stroking chin: Trying to make decision.

Facial Expressions.

Facial Expressions:"Face is the index of the mind." Emotional appeal of face reaction at a situation is called Face Expressions.
