NIMI Mock Test ICTSM Second year English, Hindi PDF-2022
Information Communication Technology and System Maintenance (ICTSM) Trade theory Objective Questions Answers and Free PDF available here.NIMI MOck Test ICTSM Second year Questions Answers PDF 2022.
NIMI Mock Test ICTSM second year Objective Questions Answers English 2022
ICTSM Mock Test. ICTSM Question Paper PDF available here.
- 1 Which command used displays current terminal?
- A: $ whoami
- B: $ tty
- C: $ id
- D: $ id root
- Answer: B
- 2 Which command used reveals the current logged in user?
- A: $ tty
- B: $ id
- C: $ id root
- D: $ whoami
- Answer: D
- 3 Which command used displays calendar of current month?
- A: $ cal
- B: $ data
- C: $ id
- D: $ date + %T
- Answer: A
- 4 Which command reports the full path to the current directory?
- A: CD [option] [directory]
- B: CD / usr/sbin
- C: PWD [option]
- D: Cd/
- Answer: C
- 5 Which one of the following is the directory separator in Linux?
- A: /
- B: \
- C: //
- D: \\
- Answer: A
- 6 Which Linux command list the content of all sub directory?
- A: ls ~
- B: ls * /
- C: ls /
- D: ls ../
- Answer: B
- 7 What is use of ‘who’ command in Linux?
- A: login user
- B: logout user
- C: login password
- D: logout password
- Answer: A
- 8 Write the Linux command to remove all the permission to the user and group on the directory ‘software’………
- A: chmod ug - rwx software
- B: chmod ug - a software
- C: chmod ug - A software
- D: chmod ug - Rwx software
- Answer: A
- 9 What is the only editor available in virtually every unix installation?
- A: Pine editor
- B: VI editor
- C: Joe editor
- D: Cd editor
- Answer: B
- 10 Who is developed the VI editor?
- A: Bill gates
- B: Charles Babbage
- C: Bill Joy
- D: Simon Franklin
- Answer: C
- 11 Which is searching syntax?
- A: : s/string
- B: : r filename
- C: vi
- D: vi apple.txt
- Answer: A
- 12 Which editor display oriented text editor based on the pine message composer?
- A: Joe
- B: Cd
- C: Vi
- D: Pico
- Answer: D
- 13 Which command is used to copy files and directories?
- A: Cp
- B: Cd
- C: CC
- D: Copy
- Answer: A
- 14 Which command is used to rename files and directories?
- A: rn
- B: mv
- C: cp
- D: rn-dir
- Answer: B
- 15 Which command is used to delete files and directories on Linux and Unix?
- A: del
- B: mv
- C: cp
- D: rm
- Answer: D
- 16 What is the character begins with the first line in any shell script?
- A: &
- B: !
- C: $
- D: #
- Answer: D
- 17 What we should make it run the shell script first by using?
- A: Chmod + x
- B: Chmod + r
- C: Chmod + w
- D: Chmod + rwx
- Answer: A
- 18 What is scripting?
- A: File editor
- B: To execute bunch of command
- C: Image.editor
- D: Vi editor
- Answer: B
- 19 Which printer is used to print only characters and symbols and cannot print graphics?
- A: Ink-jet printer
- B: Thermal printer
- C: Daisy wheel printer
- D: Laser printer
- Answer: C
- 20 Which printers are widely used in fax machines?
- A: Thermal printers
- B: Daisy wheel printer
- C: Dot matrix printer
- D: LED printer
- Answer: A
- 21 What is the print speed of line dot matrix printer?
- A: 10 to 75 cps
- B: 50 to 550 cps
- C: More than 1000 cps
- D: More than 1000 pps
- Answer: C
- 22 Which printer spraying fine drops of ink on the paper?
- A: Daisy wheel
- B: Dot matrix
- C: Thermal
- D: Ink-jet
- Answer: D
- 23 Which printer is used limited to one or a few fonts?
- A: Laser printer
- B: Dot matrix
- C: Inkjet printer
- D: Network printer
- Answer: B
- 24 Which test indicates that the motors laser scanners drive assemblies and sensors are working correctly?
- A: Event log test
- B: Printer configuration test
- C: Self test
- D: Engine test
- Answer: D
- 25 Which is must for network printers are connected directly to the local computer network?
- A: File name
- B: Printer serial number
- C: DNS. host name
- D: Printer cartridge
- Answer: C
- 26 Which port socket in the computer uses
- A: Parallel port
- B: Serial port
- C: USB port
- D: Network port
- Answer: A
- 25 pins?
- 27 Which cable data transfer rate goes up to 480 Mbps?
- A: Serial printer cable
- B: Parallel printer cable
- C: Fast parallel cable
- D: USB cable
- Answer: D
- 28 What is the full from of SSID in installation of wireless printer?
- A: Serial Set Identity
- B: Service Set Identifier
- C: Sequence Set
- D: Service Set in
- Answer: B C: Identifier D: Devices
- 29 What is the main advantage of dot matrix printer?
- A: Speed
- B: To make carbon copy
- C: Colour print
- D: Photo print
- Answer: B
- 30 Which printer example of dot-matrix printer?
- A: Line printers
- B: Of band printer
- C: Character printer
- D: Ink printer
- Answer: C
NIMI Mock Test ICTSM 2nd year - Hindi
- 1.वर्तमान टर्मिनल को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए किस कमांड का उपयोग किया जाता है?
- A: $ whoami
- B: $ tty
- C: $ id
- D: $ id root
- Answer: B
- 2.कोनसा कमांड वतमान लॉग इन उपयोगकता को बताता ह?
- A: $ tty
- B: $ id
- C: $ id root
- D: $ whoami
- Answer: D
- 3.चालू माह का कैलेंडर प्रदर्शित करने के लिए किस कमांड का उपयोग किया जाता है?
- A: $ cal
- B: $ data
- C: $ id
- D: $ date + %T
- Answer: A
- 4.कोनसा कमांड वतमान डायरटरȣ का परा पाथ बताता ह?
- A: CD [option] [directary]
- B: CD / usr/sbin
- C: PWD [option]
- D: Cd/
- Answer: C
- 5.निम्नलिखित में से कौन लिनक्स में डायरेक्टरी सेपरेटर है?
- A: /
- B: \
- C: //
- D: \\
- Answer: A
- 6.कौन सा लनस कमांड सभी सब-डायरटरȣ कȧ
- A: ls ~
- B: ls * /
- C: ls /
- D: ls ../
- Answer: B .सामी को सचीबɮध करता ह?
- 7.लनस म ’who 'कमांड का या उपयोग ह?
- A: लॉग इन यजर
- B: लॉगआउट यजर
- C: लॉग इन पासवड
- D: लॉगआउट पासवड
- Answer: A
- 8.निर्देशिका 'सॉफ्टवेयर' पर उपयोगकर्ता और समूह को सभी अनुमतियों को हटाने के लिए लिनक्स कमांड लिखें
- A: chmod ug - rwx software
- B: chmod ug - a software
- C: chmod ug - A
- D: chmod ug - Rwx software
- Answer: A
- 9.लगभग हर यूनिक्स संस्थापन में उपलब्ध एकमात्र संपादक कौन सा है?
- A: पाइन डटर (Pine editor)
- B: Vi एडटर
- C: Joe डटर
- D: Cd एडटर
- Answer: B
- 10.VI संपादक किसने विकसित किया है?
- A: ǒबल गɪस
- B: चाãस बेबेज
- C: ǒबल जॉय
- D: साइमन ĥिÈलन
- Answer: C
- 11. खोज सिंटैक्स कौन सा है?.
- A: : s/string
- B: : r filename
- C: vi
- D: vi apple.txt
- Answer: A
ICTSM Second year Hindi Pdf - Volum I
ICTSM Second year Hindi Pdf - Volum I
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